Archive | January, 2012

Brown Cow, Peach Cow…

26 Jan

Okay, I know I said that I would review the peach flavor Brown Cow yogurt earlier this week, so here it is…

The flavor is pretty dang good. As a matter of fact, I believe I may have converted a Yoplait customer this morning with just one taste. I think I failed to mention in my first review of the cherry vanilla that there is fruit on the bottom. I mention it now because it’s the same story with the peach. The nice thing is, while there is fruit, there’s no huge chunks that need chewing. Delicious flavor without the chunks, I can appreciate that. I can also appreciate that while Brown Cow offers amazing flavors, they are not rot-your-teeth, stomach ache, syrupy sweet yogurts.

It’s worth mentioning again that there are no artificial, highly processed sweeteners, no crazy unpronounceable ingredients. Oh, before I forget,  the peach one also has the cream top that stirs up nicely into a smooth creamy delicious cup of yogurt.

I’m still not quite sure which is my personal favorite, but peach is certainly on my top 3. (::::snicker::::  why am I snickering? I’ve only tasted 3 🙂 ) I would also like to point out that I am not reviewing Brown Cow yogurt with any hidden agenda. No one asked me to do it, and I’m certainly not being paid for it. I just enjoy sharing little delicious treasures with you all, because when life gives you some sunshine, you don’t lose any by sharing.

Happy Breakfasting!

Rockin’ it ‘Til the Wheels Fall Off…

25 Jan

Or should I say, Rockin’ it Even After the Wheel Fell Off? Yes, that would be a more apt title for what I’m going to share with you fine people today.

Last weekend, my friends and I attended Monster Jam in San Diego. It’s been many years since I last attended a monster truck rally, so I was pretty excited. The show was sold out, and since I do not make a living writing this lovely blog, we were in the cheap seats at the top of the stadium…no mind, these trucks did not disappoint, regardless of your vantage point. Besides, me and my friends are more of the “Lets put on overalls, Billy-Bob teeth and mullet wigs” kind of crowd anyway.

Now, the highlight of the evening was by far the “Freestyle” portion of the show. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of experiencing this thunderous exhibition of giant tires, rolling, jumping and racing, the “freestyle” event is where each driver has 90 seconds to rack up as many points as possible. These points are accumulated via said jumping, rolling and any other tricks that the drivers can come up with. When this 90 seconds is completed, the driver then has an additional 30 seconds as a “bonus round”. This results in two scores, one for regulation and a second as a bonus. He or she with most points, obviously wins.

Amidst all this super charged chaos, I walked away with some distinct and surprisingly profound lessons. Now, to illustrate what I’m talking about, please take a peek at this video of Grave Digger free styling it up. You will notice that at one point, while doing “donuts” one of his rear wheels comes off completely. Now, most drivers would have called it quits. They would have chalked it up to a loss and been done with it. But not Grave Digger. No. He literally rocked it until his wheel fell off….and then some. As a matter of fact, he got more air, better stunts than any of the other trucks on 25% less rubber.

My friends and I were completely blown away at the performance. We decided that never again will we miss a Monster Jam, it was way too much fun. The shouting, the cheering, the good old fashioned kind of fun I remember from my childhood…it was epic.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself how in the world this experience left me with some sort of profound lesson. Well, I’ll tell you. I saw his performance as a textbook example of persistence and tenacity. He took pride in his work, and he wasn’t about to let something like a missing tire stop him from giving his fans the show they come to expect. To find some sort of meaning in something as loud and rough as a monster truck rally, it’s got to involve some serious stretching of the imagination.

Call it silly, but I’m doing my best to see things in the best light possible. I have resolved to be that adventurer in search of treasure I spoke about in God is great, beer is good…People are crazy. I will see opportunity in every experience. There is too much beauty in this world to let it fall on blind eyes.

Thank you Grave Digger.

Brown Cow update….

23 Jan

For anyone who enjoyed Brown Cow: The Verdict, here is a very brief update.

I’ve officially wandered from the cherry vanilla flavor. I am happy to announce that the maple flavor is equally as delicious and creamy.

I was skeptical at first because I’m not a huge fan of syrpy sweet yogurt, but this cup did not disappoint. It has a distinct, yet not overpowering maple flavor without the tooth decay. It delivers the delicious flavor of pancake syrup with a satisfying bit of tang. Texture-wise, it still has that same cream top like the cherry vanilla. It looks a little funky at first opening, but mixes effortlessly into a smooth creamy delicious treat.

Brown Cow certainly has not disappointed. Tomorrow, I’m gonna take another one for the team and review the PEACH flavor, so stay tuned, if you’re curious.

Stop to say, “Thank you”.

18 Jan

I picked up today’s San Diego Union Tribune, my hometown newspaper. On the front page, I found an article about a very young Marine who died August 26th, 2009 in Afghanistan, after saving his brothers-in-arms. I’m not going to get into the article or explain how he died or how he saved his brothers. If you would like to see the full story, you can view it here:

What I would like to do today, is say Thank you. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it. Thank you so much to all of our military personnel who have sacrificed their lives, and those who continue to sacrifice their own freedoms, in order to protect ours.

Thank you to the families left of the men and women who are killed in action overseas. There isn’t really anything that can be said by anyone that could replace your loved ones. The only thing we can do is say thank you, offer our love, support and comfort, and most of all, live in a manner that would merit such a sacrifice. Live a life that’s worth saving. Pass on the values and morals to your children that keep this country worth defending. Not allowing these brave and selfless men and women die in vain is the best “thank you” that you could ever give.

The last thank you I would like to give, is to all the families and loved ones here at home, who support our heroes. Thank you for writing those letters, waiting around for those Skype calls, sending those care packages. Thank you for giving them those seemingly little reminders that they are loved and appreciated, because they are. Also, thank you to those who open their homes to local service members, giving them a little piece of home while stationed away from their families.

If you love someone who is in the military, please tell them that itssunnyinmysoul appreciates their service. (That includes you, HeadOvrHeels)

No, soup does not come from a can…

11 Jan

Soup comes from the kitchen. But apparently not yours.

I once brought left over Chicken Tortilla Soup to work for lunch. A co-worker asked what brand it was. I laughed at their response to me saying it was homemade. “What do you mean? Doesn’t soup come from a can??”  What do you think I mean? I made it at home. Duh.

Considering how food-obsessed this country has become, it’s amazing to see how many people actually do not cook. With all the magazines, newspapers and blogs nowadays that write articles dedicated to the review of food, you would think that we lived in a country where basic culinary skills were a necessity in every household and something taught to our children much like brushing teeth before bed. Apparently that’s not the case. Until recently, I had no idea that so many people don’t cook for themselves. I also had no idea how many young adults had no idea how to wash their own laundry until I went to college and lived in the dorms…but I digress.

Since we all must be the change we wish to see in the world, I’ve decided that the Itssunnyinmysoul household will entertain more. I will have friends and family over for a home cooked meal as much as possible. We will sit at the dinner table (that’s how it got its name after all, isn’t it?). We will turn off the television and enjoy each other’s company without the sound of the Kardashians cackling and fighting or the news telling us the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Together, we will bring back the tradition of family dinners, and not just for special occasions.

The end game? We will all share our culinary experiences and recipes. We will raise our children (for me, possible future children) how to chiffonade basil or how to french their own fries. We will spread our tradition to others so that they too can be more self-reliant and understand how much better a meal tastes when it’s not from a can, styrofoam container or cardboard box, zoned out and sitting in front of the tube.

God is great, beer is good…People are crazy.

10 Jan

I’d like to begin by thanking Mr. Billy Currington for writing a little ditty called People are Crazy.

Why? I’m so happy that you asked. First of all, the fact is that God is great. He has created so many beautiful things for us to enjoy. The next fact is that Beer is good. It is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Third, and most pertinent for me today (since it’s not beer-thirty…yet) is, PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. So I am thanking Mr. Currington for writing a song that holds so much truth.

We are all a bit crazy. Some of us are the fun, “woo-whoo” let’s go streaking though the quad kind of crazy. These people like to have a good time, start a little trouble maybe, but they don’t hurt anyone…not maliciously anyway. Others are the kind of crazy that just breed hate and discontent. They are miserable people, and you know what momma says about misery: it loves company. My goal is to identify and figure out what to do with those hateful people who continue to sap my energy, steal time and stress me out. Luckily, I’ve got half the equation taken care of. I’ve definitely identified who these people are in my life. I just wish I knew I knew the best way to get rid of them.

I’d like to spend a little time describing these people I’ve identified. Odds are, many of you have similar people in your lives. Maybe you know who I’m talking about (figuratively speaking, in your own lives, of course.), but just haven’t thought about ways to rid your life of the stress and drama they bring. Maybe, it never occurred to you before reading this that these little monsters existed in your life. Regardless, if we identify these people and work towards separating ourselves from their drama and the stress they create, we are that much closer to taking control of our own happiness and mental health.

The first person, (we’ll call this one, Mind Ninja) can turn any situation around to make himself the victim. It doesn’t matter what he’s done, when you tangle with Mind Ninja, you will walk away from the situation with the blame, and you won’t even know what hit you. In the past, I’ve reflected on this on and found myself wishing I had that same ability to weasel my way out of things. But I’ve been thinking about it more and I’ve changed my mind. I could not live happily, knowing that I am a manipulative liar that takes no responsibility for hurting others. Sure, it’d save me from some hot water from time to time, but I’m no stranger to a butt-chewing. I’d take one if it means that someone else isn’t held responsible for something I’ve done. I’m a caring and kind person, capable of remorse and using those two words: I’m sorry. I also don’t mind correcting my mistakes. Being willfully responsible for someone else’s emotional pain is not something I’m equipped to do.

I believe in my heart, from my experiences, in Karma. I know that we all get exactly what we deserve, whether good or bad. I’m no one to think that I have the right or responsibility to punish those who choose to be “bad people”. As a matter of fact, it’s been my experience that when those who do wrong finally do get their “just deserts”, it’s often far worse than anything I could have possibly done. Don’t misunderstand this, if someone attacks me or my loved ones I’m not going to just stand by and take it. You’d better believe that I will unleash a furious anger of which you have never had the misfortune to experience. however, I’m not going to go out of my way to say or do something spiteful to someone just because they said or did something that hurt me. They are the ones that are going to have to live with their words and actions in the long run. You, on the other hand, you can move on knowing the truth about the kind of person you are.

The next crazy in my life, we’ll call her Me Me Me, is something truly special. This little peach likes to make every situation about her. It doesn’t matter what is going on, in her mind, it’s happening to her. A perpetual victim of the world, she directs anger towards anything or anyone that might detract from her “lime light”. I cannot begin to describe how profoundly I’ve been hurt by this particular person’s selfishness. I could go on and on for years describing how my family and I have suffered at the hands of Me Me Me. A sane person would have told her to shove it over a decade ago.

I’m in a quandary, because unfortunately, Me Me Me is also the evil dragon that sits outside of the tower where my little brother and sister live. She is the gatekeeper to all I have left of my father, aside from letters, photos and memories, of course. They are so young and far away, I can’t be a positive influence and make my presence known as much as I would like. However, I’ve continued, as my father’s last request of me, to keep the peace and do all I can to take care of Me Me Me (presumably so she has support while caring for my siblings.). But now that he’s gone, she is doing everything possible to cut me out of their lives. I’ve cried, and screamed and prayed. I don’t know how to handle this situation. I don’t know how to honor my father’s request, stay in my siblings’ lives and not let this woman stress me out.

For a long time, I’ve relied on one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite author’s to help me move on when I feel hurt by someone’s actions:

We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.          ~Paulo Coehlo

It was a reminder that we all have our own issues to deal with on a daily basis. No one but God could possibly see all of it. So I go back to this idea when I feel like someone isn’t treating me the way I would like or need to be treated. Right now, this quote isn’t doing it for me. It’s not making me feel better. There is no excuse for the way these people behave.

Now that I’ve said that, there is also no excuse for allowing anybody to make me feel unhappy. The moment I’ve allowed someone to make me unhappy, I’ve given my power away. But today, the power is mine. I will not let these people affect my life anymore.

My new quote to live by, also from the same author as the last quote:

I can choose to be either a victim of the world, or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a matter of how I choose to view my life.            ~Paulo Coehlo

Brown Cow: The Verdict…

5 Jan

So, do we remember my post about Certified Humane products? If not, you may want to go back and read I’m No Hippie, But…  That will give you a little background on why I’m taking the time to review a cup of yogurt. Today is the end of my work week, and I’ve been eating my Brown Cow yogurt and I’m ready to write a review.

At 180 calories for a 6oz serving, I was initially a bit skeptical. But then I read the ingredient listing and here’s what I saw:

Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Honey, Cherries, Evaporated Cane Juice, Pure Maple Syrup, Pectin, Natural Flavor, Locust Bean Gum, Red Cabbage Juice Concentrate (For Color), Vanilla Extract. Contains Live Active Cultures: S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus and Bifidus

I have to admit, I hate artificial sweeteners of any kind. Yes, Splenda may be made from sugar, but I’m sorry, no matter what you say, it certainly does not taste like sugar. Seeing that honey, cane juice and pure maple syrup were the only sweeteners used in this product, I was immediately impressed.

Moving on to the yogurt itself…when I first peeled back the lid, I was surprised that the yogurt looked pretty gross,  like everything had separated. Then I remembered the label said “cream top”, this must be the cream. I was right. It took very little effort on my part to get the yogurt mixed up, and it looked and tasted creamy and delicious. No gross after-taste, just pure delicious fruity yogurt goodness.

All in all, I can say that the only yogurt that rivals Brown Cow for flavor and quality ingredients is Tillamook. However, being Humane Certified, this Brown Cowyogurt makes my heart feel as happy as my taste buds. An added bonus? The label tells me that the company dedicated 10% of their profits to the earth. You’re welcome, Planet Earth.

Cherry Vanilla Flavor

I’m no hippie, but…

3 Jan

“Great cheese come from happy cows. Happy cows come from California.” I’m taking more stock in to this…cheesy line from the California Milk Advisory Board. Read more and you’ll understand why.

I, did a little grocery shopping yesterday, and as I cruised the dairy section to pick up this week’s worth of breakfast (Yoplait yogurt), I made a discovery. I had already thrown my selection into the basket as I saw a yogurt made by a company called Brown Cow. I picked up a cup and noticed that there was a special little label that said something along the lines of “Certified Humane”. Now, I had never been the kind of girl with a predilection for anything labeled “organic”, but this label really interested me. As I considered the idea of my food being “Certified Humane”, I realized that this is something that I would be willing to pay a little extra for. I immediately replaced my Yoplait with Brown Cow.

This comes on the heels of recently watching the movie, Life in a Day, in which I saw a cow being slaughtered. I have to be honest, that scene made me a little ashamed of being the steak-loving girl that I am. It made me sad about the state of our food supply chain and the fact that we as a society take for granted the things we find in our grocery stores every day. We raise livestock for food, without any regard for the well-being of the animals. This doesn’t mean that I believe that we humans are meant to be vegans or vegetarians. But I do believe that just because an animal is being raised to be, at some point, our food, that they don’t deserve to be treated and slaughtered as humanely as possible. I’m, no hippie, but I find myself believing that supporting irresponsible farming practices and consuming animals that have been raised and slaughtered inhumanely affects us – maybe not immediately, maybe not physically, but certainly emotionally and spiritually.

This is kind of interesting for me to think about, considering I’ve never really been much for buying anything organic. If you really think about it, organic is really the “small potatoes” part of the issue with our food suppliers. If you’d like to educate yourself a little more on what organic means, take a peek at my links as I’ve included one from the USDA. Maybe my reading comprehension skills are a little rusty having been out of school for so long, but it seems like the organic movement is kind of selfish. It focuses on eliminating the obvious things that are done to our food that may directly or indirectly affect our health as humans. It does nothing to ensure the well-being of the animals themselves.

If you see a product labeled as certified humane, it means that the product meets the Humane Farm Animal Care program standards, which includes nutritious diet without antibiotics or hormones, animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors (as stated on their website – I’ve posted the link to this one as well). Now isn’t this what we all should be aiming for? Not only are the regulations set forth by the USDA satisfied, but it goes a step further, ensuring that the animals are treated with the respect they deserve. We wouldn’t need the USDA to certify anything as being organic if our food suppliers were held to this standard.

The more I think about this, the more enraged I get. This shouldn’t be a special badge of honor, just like McDonalds saying their burgers are made with 100% real beef shouldn’t be. Burgers are supposed to be made with beef. Sorry Ronald, you don’t get extra gold stars for it. Cows should be treated like cows, they should be allowed to graze and act like, well, cows. The same with any other animals that we use for food. I’m tired of people getting extra credit for doing the things they should be doing. I don’t get a pat on the back for taking care of my dog, and I don’t do it because I expect special recognition for it. I do it because I love her, and care about her well-being. I respect her for the companionship she provides me with. We need to do the same with our food. We should be grateful and respectful for the nourishment it provides us with, and treat it as such.

Having said that, I would also like to note that I understand the idea of commercial farming/ranching. I get that there is a huge demand for a high volume of low-cost food. I understand that we, as consumers, have created the conceived need for this “efficient” but disrespectful industry. I for one am guilty for perpetuating this ugliness.  But I also understand that we have the ability, and the responsibility to change this. We need to make a stand for what’s right, even if it means we’re forking out a few extra dollars for our food. Things won’t change until we as individuals take responsibility for our part in the inhumane farming practices we helped create. It makes me sad that this is where we’ve sunk to, but, if this certified humane program is what it takes to get us back on the straight and narrow, then I’m for it.

Let’s call this a new years resolution. What do you think?